What if the Mona Lisa really followed you with her gaze? What if there was an explanation to the enigma of this painting?

« Paisible nuit au Musée du Louvre » (Peaceful night at the Louvre Museum) offers the experience of accessing the mystery of the Mona Lisa by going behind the painting and discovering its secrets. 

By taking control of the eyes and the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa, your goal is to capture the attention of tourists by fixing them and by imitating their expression. Catch all the spectators before they go to see other paintings and end your world fame.

We kindly thanks Isabelle Maurel to help us to create the itch.io page !
Thanks a lot to the Godot community for this amazing creation tool.

Note : for mac users,  a .dmg is downloadable.

Made in 48h for the GMTK Game Jam by : 

- Sacha Chouery : Programming
- Lucile Linguet : Art 
- Flavien Maucourt : Music and Programming


Paisible-nuit-1.2.dmg 67 MB

Development log


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Great work you 3. The art is very cute, the music fits very well and the game idea is nice! I know what it takes to make a game in 48 hours so congrats to you 👏